Category: Uncategorized

Label Deception

Label Deception

Fancy marketing terms are a deception. It’s trickery. It’s a way that companies try to convince you their product is for your health. Do not be fooled. Read the label. Look at the ingredients. Fat is where most of the flavor comes from. Many real food fats have...
Do What You Can Today

Do What You Can Today

Keep it real. There’s almost never a “good time” to overhaul your life or do a detox or make big changes. And there’s almost never a good enough reason if ever to delay healing in any form. You deserve it. Don’t take on more than you can reasonably carry. If it’s...
Zoom Out

Zoom Out

Zoom out. It was about time I updated my profile pic. My hair had grown over a foot since the last picture. I picked this one. But just of me. My health was what caused me to begin this journey. But it’s never been just about me. Zoom out. My husband deserves to have...
Stop Trying To Hush Symptoms

Stop Trying To Hush Symptoms

What if we start listening to symptoms and acknowledging what messages they are giving us? If we quiet them without learning what caused them, the root cause, we only delay healing and potentially allow more harm. My young son has been very curious about a part of my...
Good Bacteria

Good Bacteria

Defend. Protect. Assist. I came up with this as a way to explain to my littles how whole and living foods help our bodies to be strong. The good bacteria fight off bad bacteria and help our bodies heal, grow, and maintain balance. Bacteria in and on our bodies...
Healing Is Not Linear

Healing Is Not Linear

All healing comes with its own unique set of hurdles, setbacks, and paths to traverse. Physical, emotional, mental, or otherwise. More often than not the road to healing will have many bumps and valleys along the way. If you feel discouraged or want to give up, know...